A teaser website for a browser game based on the anime of Hajime Isayama's Attack on Titan manga opened on Monday. In Shingeki no Kyojin -Hangeki no Tsubasa- ONLINE (Attack on Titan -Wings of the Counterattack- ONLINE), players will be able to strengthen their weapons using a “craft” feature and fight Titans using the “Titan Fight” feature.
Online game website GG has begun accepting applications for beta testers for a closed beta test for the game. 10,000 applicants will be chosen between Monday and August 19. Those wishing to apply must first create an account at either the GG or Niconico Appli website.
Those who participate in the beta test will receive a limited edition weapon card and one of two character avatars depending on which service they applied with. Both bonuses can be used once the game goes public. Beta tester applicants are cautioned that all their save data during the beta test will be erased once the beta test ends.
More screenshots from the game can be seen on Gpara.com's website.
Strategy & Partners is developing this browser game, and it already launched a social game, Shingeki no Kyojin -Hangeki no Tsubasa- (Attack on Titan: The Wings of Counterattack), on the GREE mobile platform. There is also a console or portable video game planned for next year.
Source: Gpara.com
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